Saturday, December 01, 2007
Mexican Police Standoff
Early in November, I traveled to southern California to train Cliff Ryder and Mark Broderick on the Flat Top for their upcoming Discovery Channel series called "Freefalling." They plan to use the Flat Top to scope out cliff jumps all over the world for the program.
We decided to head down to Baja with all of the toys for some better weather and infamous Baja LOBSTER. We met up with my good friend, Loyal Pennings who wanted us to base jump into a friends wedding at a major hotel on the beach. After a day of practice, we were heading to the hotel when we were pulled over by the Rosarito police. It turned out to be the Chief of Police and his partner. After about a half hour, we were told that we had about $500 in non-moving violations. Things like not having a red rag tied to the paramotor, obstruction of the rear view mirror and several other "serious" infractions.
I could see that they were somewhat curious about the Flat Top on the back of my truck and after I explained how it worked, they started asking questions about it. When I made the offer to take them flying, they seemed amused, but not really interested. But, after really talking it up, Cliff Ryder and I actually got them to commit to following us back to the beach to take them tandem flights!
We scrambled for a video tape and Mark Broderick captured some epic footage of the preparation and the flights (nice work Mark!)
They called most of the police department out to the site to watch and, after they all flew, the chief called his wife out and I took her on a quick flight before it started to rain on us.
Conditions were not great for tandem. We had no wind and heavy passengers. However, with Loyal Pennings and Cliff Ryder pulling them along from either side, we managed to have some great launches (thanks guys).
What started out as a potentially really bad day ended up with a really good group of new friends and a great story. They gave us their official police lapel pins and their personal cell phone numbers in case we were pulled over again. They also invited us to come back to visit them anytime. I'll let you know on this blog when we head back to Baja, so you can join us. We'll be shooting scenes for our next paragliding video there.
Moral of the story...never give just never know how good things can get.
To my good friends, Chief Miguel and his partner Chili...
Hasta Luego y gracias para todo!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Another Broken Aluminium Carabiner

Time to check your gear
For good reason, we generally do not depend on a lot of things in paragliding as being "fail-safe." However, for most, one of those perceived "fail-safe" items is our sturdy carabiners. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors - usually in two varieties of metal: steel or aluminum.
The photograph above was submitted to me by my good friend, Gerry Wingenbach who noticed this AFTER he had landed on the South Side of the Point of the Mountain. This could have been catastrophic as the carabiner could have failed at too low an altitude to get out a reserve.
It would seem that most every harness manufacturer (free flight and paramotor) chooses to use aluminum for their stock harness carabiners. And why not, they are less expensive and much lighter than their steel counterparts. However, I believe that steel is a better choice and that every pilot should have the facts to make his or her own decision.
In 1992, my then business partner, Tom Lyde, and I decided to move our climbing gear manufacturing company from Austin, TX to Salt Lake City, UT. Peter Metcalf (CEO of Black Diamond) offered us a very generous package for manufacturing space in their 3900 south facility. We continued to manufacture their climbing harnesses and sewn runners for a number of years. As a result, I worked with some of the great minds in manufacturing at BD and learned a lot about the aluminum carabiner.
Aluminum carabiners are strong for their weight and I generally trust them for climbing until I drop one. Aluminum has a nasty habit of forming micro fractures that, if formed in the wrong place, can significantly weaken the breaking strength. This is not to say that EVERY TIME you drop an aluminum carabiner that this happens, but it is possible in aluminum and NOT in steel. There are other factors as well, such as improperly side loading the carabiner or loading without the gate locked or fully closed.
For paragliding, I generally do not use aluminum carabiners unless I know the history of the biner and can verify through visual inspection that there are no possibilities of abuse that could result in weakening its strength. This is because I, and others that frequently handle my equipment, sometimes drop my harness unintentionally on hard surfaces and I always here that unmistakeable metallic "ting" sound of the carabiner as it hits.
In hang gliding, I have always used steel carabiners...we even call it out as a recommended specification for tandem operations in hang gliding and paragiding.
For paragliding and paramotoring, I have always used and sold the Austria Alpine steel locking carabiner.
So, take a good look at your carabiners. If they are aluminum, make a good visual inspection of the rounded corners - these are the potential trouble spots. If you see any nicks or dents, I would replace them immediately.
Please feel free to contact me if you want any further information on this. I would be glad to help you.
Also, if you have any relevant comments you would like to add you can post them below.
Be safe, have fun-
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Hang Gliding Aerobatics
I just posted this hang gliding video compilation on youtube after several people requested it.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Discovery Channel Grand Canyon

I just got back from the Grand Canyon with the Discovery Channel production entitled "Natural Wonders." Impossible Productions (UK) hired me as the Flight Coordinator for the paramotor flight over the Grand Canyon with Will Gadd. Winds aloft were 60+ mph every day, so we decided to come back in a week or so to try again.
Natural Wonders will be the second biggest show on Discovery this year. Tune in this December for the first show!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Discovery Channel Base Jumping

My good buddies, Cliff Ryder and Miles Daisher just signed a 13 episode contract with the Discovery Channel for Base Jumping. I'll be heading to LA to visit Cliff and chat about the series...lots of great possibilities with basing from paragliders and paramotors...stay tuned!
We'll be using the Flat Top to scout cliffs.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Austin Wing Mastery Seminar
Paul has a very nice piece of property in Leander (just outside of Austin) and has tow capabilities and a nice ridge site called Packsaddle Mountain.
Paul teaches all year, so if you are in the central Texas area, give him a call (see website).
Monday, August 06, 2007
Washington Instructor Seminar
Veteran instructors, Dale Covington and Doug Stroop attended the seminar to be considered for Instructor Administrators with the USHPA. This is the first Instructor Clinic that I have put on where administrator candidates were present. Aerial Paragliding is considered to be the largest flight park in the country. It's an unlikely setting as it is situated in the middle of a gigantic canyon, but it works and it is a stunning place to fly and learn of just hang.
Amoung the instructor candidates: Stephan Mitrovich (Basic Instructor Candidate), Andy Keller (Advanced Instructor Candidate), Michele McCullough (Basic Instructor Candidate), Doug Stroop (Administrator Candidate) and Dale Covington (Administrator Candidate).
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Kayaks and Flat Tops

More and more, we are seeing adventure sports athletes using the Revolution for scouting. The show will air this April. Check here for updates on program listing and times.